
Monday, January 30, 2023

Charity Quilting

This is the stack of quilts I dropped off at the last Annapolis Quilts for Kids meeting. I also dropped off about a dozen baby hats. 
I brought home a new bag of quilts to quilt up. This one was pieced by Maureen. I chose to quilt it with a fun flower design. 
This one was pieced by Julie. Scrappy quilts are the best quilts.  

If you want to contribute but don't have the time or skills, you can support the national Quilts for Kids by shopping through Amazon Smile. I don't earn anything from this link. This link lets your purchases support Quilts for Kids through Amazon. I don't add affiliate links to my charity quit posts on purpose. I donate my time, my machine, my thread, and my skill to the cause. 

My personal goal is to quilt at least one quilt per week throughout the year. To that end, check out the EpochConverter for 2023 to see how I'm stacking up.

2023 Charity Quilt Count: 8

Friday, January 27, 2023

Random Qube Blocks

I made it to the end of week eight. That's 56 blocks in 56 days. 
This is block number 10. It was a pleasant surprise for this block to show up the last week. It is the only block number 10 in the series. 
More fun color combinations. 
It was exciting to find this one showing up again.  
And again. 
And another of these. As I look over the blocks I think about adding sashing. I also think about rearranging the blocks. I'll let you know what comes of this thinking. I'm sure whatever I decide I will work on it over the next couple weeks. This may not be a fast way to make a quilt, but slow and steady is a tried and true method. 

Tools and supplies (affiliate links):

Accuquilt Go! - This is the basic kit that I started with. The cutter, one die, and mat.
Accuquilt Ready. Set. Go! - New to Accuquilt and ready to jump into the Accuquilt Go! with both feet? This is the set for you. It includes the 8 Inch Qube and a strip cutter. 
8 Inch Qube - Already have an Accuquilt Go! and just want to add to your collection of dies?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Butterfly Garden

I picked up this butterfly panel more than a year ago. I'm not sure why I wanted it. I mean, it's pretty. I decided it was time to pull my fabrics together to make it into a quilt. I grabbed coordinating blues, oranges, greens, and yellow. 
I played around with blocks in Electric Quilt until I had a couple blocks I wanted to make. I grabbed my Accuquilt Go! and 8 Inch Qube and got cutting. 
As usual, it was quick work. 
I assembled the pinwheel blocks first. 
Then the stars. 
This quilt uses the panel as the centerpiece. Then I added borders. 
Then rows of blocks and another border. 
I wanted the quilt to be longer than it is wide, so I added wider top and bottom borders. First with this fun blue floral. 
Then with this fun red floral. It was a quick project that I finished in a weekend. Now I just need backing. 

Tools and supplies (affiliate links):

Accuquilt Go! - This is the basic kit that I started with. The cutter, one die, and mat.
Accuquilt Ready. Set. Go! - New to Accuquilt and ready to jump into the Accuquilt Go! with both feet? This is the set for you. It includes the 8 Inch Qube and a strip cutter. 
8 Inch Qube - Already have an Accuquilt Go! and just want to add to your collection of dies?

Monday, January 23, 2023

Double Wedding Ring

It has been months since I worked on this quilt. I picked up the backing a couple months ago but hadn't gotten around to quilting. I decided it was time to make some progress. I designed the label using my embroidery design software. I like to embroider the label directly onto the backing fabric. 
I used my new roll of Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 Cotton Blend batting. I'm happy I decided to try this batting. It's great! I like the definition it gives the quilting. 
I chose a dark gray thread. 
Loaded and got quilting. 
The quilting on this involved three different designs. One for the centers, another for the mellons. 
The last design, is only used in the corners and it is by far my favorite. 
Trimmed and ready for binding. 
I don't know that I would quilt another with this level of detail. It took weeks because of all the starts and stops. Hopefully it won't take me another three months to get the binding done. 

Don't forget the label!

Friday, January 20, 2023

Random Qube Blocks

Here we are at the end of week seven!  
Another 16-patch. I just grabbed some squares of the appropriate colors and arranged them. These are more improv than one would imagine. Green and orange. 
I may have played a little loose with my interpretation of "orange" in this block. Purple, green, and orange. 
This was exciting because it was the first time block number 20 showed up in the rolls. Black, purple, and pink. 
Green and green pinwheel. 
I enjoy these little economy blocks so much. I want to put them in so many things. Pink, gray, and orange. 
Another 16-patch. This time with gray and blue. 
Gray, black, and green for this 4-patch in 4-patch. 

Only one more week of this randomly generated block experiment remaining. Then, it will be time to sew the blocks together and add a border. 

Tools and supplies (affiliate links):

Accuquilt Go! - This is the basic kit that I started with. The cutter, one die, and mat.
Accuquilt Ready. Set. Go! - New to Accuquilt and ready to jump into the Accuquilt Go! with both feet? This is the set for you. It includes the 8 Inch Qube and a strip cutter. 
8 Inch Qube - Already have an Accuquilt Go! and just want to add to your collection of dies?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Charity Quilting

This wonderfully scrappy quilt was pieced by Julie. 
This one was pieced by another member of Annapolis Quilts for Kids. I'm excited for the next meeting and more little quilts. 

If you want to contribute but don't have the time or skills, you can support the national Quilts for Kids by shopping through Amazon Smile. I don't earn anything from this link. This link lets your purchases support Quilts for Kids through Amazon. I don't add affiliate links to my charity quit posts on purpose. I donate my time, my machine, my thread, and my skill to the cause. 

My personal goal is to quilt at least one quilt per week throughout the year. To that end, check out the EpochConverter for 2023 to see how I'm stacking up.

2023 Charity Quilt Count: 6

Monday, January 16, 2023

Getting Hexie with It

I'm still working on my hexie flowers. 
Each week I finish a few more. 
Some weeks are more productive than others. I never thought this would be a quick project. 

Tools and supplies (affiliate links):

Friday, January 13, 2023

Random Qube Blocks

Week number six wrap up. 
This block is kind of busy. 
This one pulls colors from one print. 
This one is a rainbow of fun. Red and green together!
Another one pulling colors from a single print. 
Even when I let the dice pick the colors I still get to pick the fabric.
Sometimes the outcome is interesting. 
Ore just a wonderful surprise. Two more weeks of daily blocks. 

Tools and supplies (affiliate links):

Accuquilt Go! - This is the basic kit that I started with. The cutter, one die, and mat.
Accuquilt Ready. Set. Go! - New to Accuquilt and ready to jump into the Accuquilt Go! with both feet? This is the set for you. It includes the 8 Inch Qube and a strip cutter. 
8 Inch Qube - Already have an Accuquilt Go! and just want to add to your collection of dies?

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Charity Quilting

This fun quilt was pieced by Mary for Annapolis Quilts for Kids 
This one was pieced by Julie. 

If you want to contribute but don't have the time or skills, you can support the national Quilts for Kids by shopping through Amazon Smile. I don't earn anything from this link. This link lets your purchases support Quilts for Kids through Amazon. I don't add affiliate links to my charity quit posts on purpose. I donate my time, my machine, my thread, and my skill to the cause. 

My personal goal is to quilt at least one quilt per week throughout the year. To that end, check out the EpochConverter for 2023 to see how I'm stacking up.

2023 Charity Quilt Count: 4