
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pressing Station, Part Two

In Part Two we will put together the base for the ironing station.  This sounds much fancier than it is.  Basically, it is just a shelving unit.  Check out Part One first!
This part of the project is brought to you by IKEA.  There was some excitement that the EXPIDIT shelving units from IKEA were no longer being carried.  Don't worry, they have been replaced with KALLAX.  I have no idea what the difference is, other than colors.  Not all the colors have changed; white is still there.  One KALLAX, or EXPIDIT, in color of choice in the four squares size.
IKEA was kind enough to supply the instructions for this one, so I won't drag you through it.  They do recommend two peeps (this is short for people).  My second peep's job is to not squish my fingers during assembly.  You will also need a set of four legs.  I used CAPITA legs.  I couldn't find any in the store in the 6" size, so I went with the 8" size.  I have a similar cabinet near where I put my ironing board, so this added height is actually a good thing.  Strictly speaking, you don't need the legs, but if you want your pressing station to be around counter height (I have found that this is perfect for me, anything lower makes my back hurt), and be adjustable, I recommend the legs.  They are really only slightly adjustable (about 1/2"), perfect for those of us with crooked floors.
I picked the bottom of this cabinet by the fact that I had a small scratch on this end.  I marked for each leg and Darling Husband did the drilling of pilot holes.  
You don't have to have them, but I think they make the process go so much more smoothly.  That one on the corner is kind of close to the assembly screw.  I took this into account when I did my marking.  Feel free to move those legs anywhere you like as long as they provide a stable platform for the cabinet.
Screw in your brackets.  This is where another set of hands, or DH with a drill with the screwdriver attachment, comes in handy.  Just don't over-tighten as these are easy to strip out since the cabinet is just particle board under that laminate.  
Assemble the legs.  Don't over tighten, in case you want to adjust them once you get the cabinet set up.  Add the felt pads that came with the KALLAX unit if you wish.  I use them to protect my flooring, not because I need to move the completed unit around.

Materials List for Part Two
KALLAX shelving unit in four-block size
CAPITA legs, set of four

Tools:  Cordless drill, screwdriver, tiny off-set hex wrench that comes with the KALLAX (we have a collection of these)

Only one more part and this pressing station will be in business.

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