
Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Sew Day!

I want to tell you that I spent all day sewing on Sunday.  This is not the case.  I did manage to finish one thing.
This fleece sweater was made using the great video tutorial from the Crafty Gemini.  If you  don't follow Vanessa on Instagam, Facebook and YouTube you are missing out on a bunch of fun stuff.
I picked this great paw-print in Celtic Knotwork Pawprint from Urban Threads to embroider on the back.  I pulled the thread colors from the collar piece and I think it came out rather nicely.  The cuffs on the leg-holes are my own addition.  I think I will just use a cover-stitch to hem the bottom of the sweater next time.
My model Reesey was very nice to let me dress her and take her picture.  She always gets her serious face on when I try to take her picture.  Reesey is a 8-year-old pound puppy that we adopted in Rhode Island about seven years ago.  I have no idea what kind of dog she is other than she has a soft coat, weighs about 50 pounds, is totally cuddly and loves to run as fast as possible in our back yard.  She is also very patient with me when I'm a little crazy and put sweaters or booties on her.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes i wonder if we put up with our dogs of if they put up with us!


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