
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Odds and Ends

I have been in a sort of creative slump. I'm having difficulty getting motivated to embark on some new sewing adventure. That doesn't mean I'm not creating, I don't think that is possible. I just haven't found a new project I'm really excited about. 
I did finish my Helix Hat. It isn't shaped like the pattern because I wasn't paying attention when I read the pattern. It was a good project, though, and I will likely make another.
Sometimes I think my motivational block is caused by some of the clutter in my creative space. There is only so much room. Take this pile of... stuff, that has been growing over the last year or so. It was pretty deep and not serving anyone. I decided it was time to sort through it and make room for new ideas. Some things were thrown away, some sorted and put into bins, others recycled. 
In the end, this is what I was left with. A single sheet of bag instructions, one notebook, and some wipes for machine oil. Not bad. Too bad I haven't managed to do the same to any other piles in the studio. Maybe next week. I've got to pace myself. 
I've had this yarn waiting to become something for a long time. I finally wound it into cakes and started another shawl. 
This is a simple boomerang shaped shawl. Increase every row, decrease every other, and get a fun shape that works well with a limited amount of yarn.

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Knit Picks Options Wood Interchangeable Knitting Needles Set
Addi Turbo Interchangeable Knitting Needles
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