
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Quiltville Mystery Quilt 2015: Allietare! Clue #4

Just like the last few years, Bonnie Hunter is sharing her annual mystery quilt on her blog Quiltville. This year it is called Allietare! I participated last year with her Grand Illusion and really enjoyed the process. Last week I shared my progress on clues #1 and #2, and clue #3.
I cut a few blocks and pieced them.

This clue isn't difficult, but the cutting seems to go on forever. This doesn't show all of the little black corners needed for this clue. In the end, I cut too many of those little black corners. I'm hoping they don't go to waste.
This is the first time I've really tried to make a pieced block that is even this close to a flying geese unit. I think when I'm done I'll be able to use the tools I have (the Easy Angle Ruler and the Companion Angle Ruler) to try my hand at flying geese.
I foolishly timed how long it took to make one set. I'm not going to tell you. You can do your own test.
It took days and several distractions to get these finished.
I've got them all into the bin, which is almost overflowing. I'm glad we're getting all these bits done. I'm not certain I would attempt a quilt like this if I saw it as one giant meal. Chopping it up into these small and tasty bits makes it manageable.

Are you participating in Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt this year?
Winter Mystery 2015 - Allietare!

Linking up with Quiltville.


  1. I am, although I am behind...all the pieces are cut out. I'm doing a very manageable 10% of the piece count--i may only get a pillow out but it's a way of sewing along without getting snowed under by teeny pieces. I like the course you are using; nice to be different.

  2. Looking good! Lots and lots of black corners!

  3. Ha, you cut too many black corners and I didn't cut enough. I only have 12 sets done and I think from now on I have to do the stitch and flip method. This angle ruler isn't working well for me. Have a merry Christmas.

  4. Beautiful units! Your colours look great. You can definitely do flying geese now - the only difference is where you position the ruler on the fabric strip.


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