
Monday, December 25, 2017

Mystery Quilt: On Ringo Lake

Time for part 5!

I've participated in the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt a few years now. Check out my posts for clue #1clue #2, clue #3, and clue #4. You'll also find links to the link party Bonnie hosts each week at the bottom of each post. My goal is to post a update every Monday so I can link up with the weekly link party. This week, the link up won't be posted until Tuesday to allow for the holiday. 
This week was a repeat of clue number 2 with different colors. I'm working with different colors than Bonnie, so if you're using her colors please, please don't make your geese like mine. I cut what seemed like a thousand pieces.
Then, I sewed and sewed. I finished the first flight of geese on Saturday. I cut my geese using the Easy Angle and the Companion Angle. These are great tools for making geese accurately. I admit, I do trim a little after assembly, but very little and I blame the quilter, not the tools, for that little bit of waste.
I trim with the Wing Clipper to cut off the dog ears and make sure everything is square. This is the waste from all that trimming of imperfect units. I don't aim for perfect. I aim for a quilt. 
The second flight of geese is ready!

Cutting tools: Wrights 4.5" Easy AngleWrights Companion Angle, and Deb Tucker's Wing Clipper II

Linking up with Bonnie's link-party. Check out her post On Ringo Lake Mystery Tuesday Link-Up, Part 5 (link will be active when I get a chance to link it up) to see all the other links people are sharing. Hundreds of quilters link up to share their progress.


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