
Monday, January 8, 2018

Mystery Quilt: On Ringo Lake

Time for part 6, 7, 8, and 9! 

I've participated in the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt a few years now. Check out my posts for clue #1clue #2clue #3, clue #4, and clue #5. You'll also find links to the link party Bonnie hosts each week at the bottom of each post. My goal is to post a update every Monday so I can link up with the weekly link party. 
Part 6 was joining the units from clue #4 to half-square triangle to make these units.
Part 7 was joining the geese from clue #2 and clue #5 together into units. 
Part 8 was making the block. This is the first one. 
Part 9 - the big reveal - was the full quilt, with sashing construction, and setting the blocks on point. I'm nowhere near that. 

I've been using this project as my leader/ender project. I still think every quilter should try to make a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt at least once. It is amazing what you can do when you have a project broken down into manageable pieces for you. 

Cutting tools: Wrights 4.5" Easy AngleWrights Companion Angle, Tucker Trimmer II or Creative Grids 6.5" Square

Linking up with Bonnie's link-party. Check out her post On Ringo Lake Mystery Monday Link-Up (link will be active when I get a chance to link it up) to see all the other links people are sharing. Hundreds of quilters link up to share their progress.


  1. I agree with you. I joined for the first time this year even though I have been following her for a long time. I probably would have been scared off trying if I had seen the finished product first.

  2. Your block looks so awesome! I love how the pink pops out of the block against the other colors. :D

  3. Your color choices reveal a star block I haven't "seen" in other ORL posts. Very nice! A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  4. This somewhat the color scheme I chose, although I am doing an aqua where you used the green. Yours is really looking great!


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