Monday, May 27, 2024

Charity Quilting

I decided to try something different. This is basically a simple quilt with the center built up with a 6" by 12" center, surrounded by two 3" wide rounds, then 6" blocks. Finish off with a 1" border and a 3" border. Easy and effective! I will keep an eye out for fun large prints because this one deserves to be done again. As long as the center measures 18.5" by 24.5" before you add the squares, everything should work out fine. 
I'm always a little surprised when I can pull a unified color story quilt out of all of these scraps. A great way to use up scraps! Both will be heading to Annapolis Quilts for Kids

If you want to contribute but don't have the time or skills, you can support the national Quilts for Kids by going directly to their website and clicking DONATEI don't earn anything from this link. 

If you want to support me indirectly, I do include Amazon affiliate links to products I use on my other blog posts. If you purchase the items I recommend, or anything else, after using my links to reach Amazon I receive a small payment from Amazon. I added my yearly income from these affiliate links to the sidebar if you want to see how that commission adds up. 

My personal goal is to quilt at least one quilt per week throughout the year. To that end, check out the Epoch Converter for 2024 to see how I'm stacking up.

2024 Charity Quilt Count: 72

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