Wednesday, May 29, 2024


This is something of a joke at my house. Because I will absolutely fix things, and hem things.
The belt loops on my partners pats had worn through. I sliced up a some denim from another pair of pants and pulled out the belt loop attachments for my Baby Lock. After about thirty minutes of looking for the directions and setting up the machine (it doesn't take long unless you don't use all the features very often. I ended up using the 3/4" attachment.  
This attachment makes quick work of making the belt loop pieces.
In a few minutes I made about four yards of belt loop. 
Then I ripped off the old belt loops, cut the new belt loops, and marked the fold with my Frixion pen, and got sewing.
There you have it. A brand new belt loop. Maybe next time I will use matching thread. Although, then how will you know there was mending?

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