We have a nice fence and some friendly black Angus that follow our every move if we go outside. Something about humans means food to them. They are curious, but cowardly.
Just outside the door to the building, we have some bats that have taken up residence. Cute little furry fellas.
Let's not forget the hares that live under nearly every building there. The rabbits are very tame. They have been there so long they just don't fear humans. Makes me wonder if the cattle are smarter in that respect. We also have mice, but I don't have pictures of them. I also don't have pictures of the rattlesnakes I have yet to see. I've heard all about them, though.
On the drive in, we saw a pair of foxes along with their litter of what looked to be five kits. They were rolling about in one of the many grain fields on the ride in.
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