Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Little Artist

I have found a pattern, or two, or three, for making crayon rolls for the little ones. I hadn't found one that quite made me smile. I set out to design one that did make me smile.After a friend mentioned something about the big crayons, I decided to work with those to make something that would not only hold the giant crayons, but be cute and hopefully fun in the process.In one of my many orders of random stuff from Fabric.com, I had a couple pieces of this cute chalkboard fabric. A perfect fit for the crayon tote.
Of course, I sometimes get ideas for things completely off-target. That is how this crayon tote turned into a crayon apron. Neither is kid-tested nor mommy-approved. I'll have to let you know how the testing goes.

1 comment:

  1. That is soooooo cute! I can see her now, hoisting her crayon 'purse' on her shoulder and saying, "Buh Bye!"


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